Created in 2015 by designer Marisol Rocha, TIKIYOGI is an eco-friendly activewear fashion brand that uses eco-conscious and sustainable materials and other recycled products to create modern, and highly functional designs.
Inspired by Ms. Rocha’s move to Bali in 2016, much of the island’s scenery and lifestyle has been incorporated into the brand’s collections. Comprised of an expansive variety of swimwear, surf wear and yoga wear; garments are created out of recycled fabrics, and ocean waste. Each collection has a classic, timeless design incorporating modern and vibrant prints.
The brand is leading the way by using a sustainable techno-fabric made of ECONYL® regenerated Italian Nylon that turns waste into fashion. The fabric is versatile, hyper-resistant, thin, and elegant with a stretch that is soft and breathable: a unique mix of muscular compression and comfort. Thanks to its innovative construction, it is twice as resistant to chlorine and suntan creams and oils. The designs are made in Bali by highly skilled garment makers who are respected for their craft and receive equitable compensation and benefits.
TIKIYOGI has reached a new milestone for swimwear and activewear by promoting the benefits of a sustainable and environmentally conscious lifestyle. The brand is the top-choice of island travelers, surfers, fitness fanatics, yogis, and fashion lovers around the world.
About the Designer
TIKIYOGI’s founder, Marisol Rocha, is a Parsons School of Design graduate who has worked with notable fashion houses such as Donna Karen and Marc Jacobs. With TIKIYOGI, she has managed to combine her professional training in fashion design with her passion for sustainable living, yoga, travelling, surfing, and overall wellness.
From getting involved in beach cleanups, educating businesses on the importance of sustainability, and spreading her knowledge of sustainable living practices, Marisol and her brand are committed to contributing to more socially responsible and eco-friendly lifestyle and causes. The TIKIYOGI collections are 100% sustainable and influenced by Marisol’s travels and lifestyle.